Tesla Fuelless Generator - Discover How Tesla's Idea To Generate Your Own Power Has Become A Reality

Tesla fuelless Generator is the brainchild of one of the world's pioneers in the discovery and development of electricity. Without his work, modern inventions such as televisions, computers, cell phones and the Internet would not exist. Tesla knew more than one hundred years that the ability to generate its own energy without the fuel is possible. In this article, I'll tell you about my idea, fuelless generator, and how to DIY enthusiasts all over the world are now making their own 7-kilowatt unit, and turns back to power companies.

Who is Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla, a Serbian who was greeted by what is now called Croatia. He was a highly respected physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer.

He is credited with many discoveries in science, especially electricity. His greatest contribution was the development and adoption of alternating current. Without it, there would be no way to transmit power at a distance, and support our current lifestyle.

Tesla Life Project - fuelless generator

Tesla spent the second half of his career working on what he calls his "fuelless Generator". He is described as a device that uses the "power that operates in the universe." This May sound a bit unreal, but now we know that this is equivalent to the modern field of physics called "zero-point technology ".

Tesla never made a working model, but his letters and drawings are archived and read them reveals designs for a crude type of magnetic generator. He improved the previous design and a number of patents filed in an effort to protect their work.

Modern Day Magnetic Motor Generator

Today, enthusiasts around the world are building their own devices to pay tribute to Tesla's original design. The difference today is that they are tried, tested and refined and magnetic motor is now a reality. However, it is simply nothing more than a rotor, a strategically placed magnets and some wiring.

Anyone can try to "reinvent the wheel" and start from scratch, but why bother when others have already done the hard work for you? 99% of all DIY enthusiasts to make their own engine by investing in a good amount of lean set of high-quality plans. This allows you to get up and running 7-kilowatt device within a few days. It's more than enough to power the average home.
